(651) 452-4550
If you're calling after hours follow the prompts to be connected with a member of our pastoral care team.
Our parish staff is here for you on your journey of faith.
To reach a member of our parish staff, please click on their contact information below.
Hackers are getting smarter every day. Some target parishes to try and make an email or text look like it was sent by staff. They get our information from our website, online bulletin, and advertisers.
We will NEVER ask you for "a favor" to send us gift cards or ask you to respond urgently and be discreet.
A good indicator may be the sender's email address. They often create new emails similar to our parish staff emails. However, if you hover over the email or name, you can usually see the email is coming from a different source. Most often there is something different. The emails sent from St. Peter’s staff, including Fr. Steven, will end in @stpetersmendota.org. Capital and/or lowercase letters are irrelevant in email addresses.
Delete those emails immediately and report them as spam/junk in your email system! DO NOT RESPOND!
Use your best judgment about whether what is being asked is really what and how any staff would contact you regarding the matter. If you have any questions or suspicions, call the office. DO NOT RESPOND!
Feel free to call Jennifer, Fr. Steven’s assistant, if you still have questions about the legitimacy of an email or text message. 651-905-4305
Executive Assistant to the Pastor
Healing Prayer Ministries
(651) 905-4305
The Finance Council helps establish the budget for the parish and works with individual departments, staff and committees to provide for the best stewardship and use of parish funds. The Finance Council presents the overall budget to the pastor for his endorsement before the beginning of each fiscal year.
Fr. Steven Hoffman: (651) 905-4305
Staff Contact: Peter Guzulaitis (651) 905-4307
Thor Raarup (Chair)
Tom O'Neill
Tim Bianchi
Jim Orrichio
Dan Vansteenberg
Sue Bielinski
Mark Mischke
Click here to visit the financial information page.
The trustees of any parish are the two lay members of the parish who, together with the Archbishop, the Vicar General, and the Pastor, constitute the Board of Directors of the Parish Corporation.
Mark Mischke
Kate Blando
In December of 2022, Archbishop Hebda released his pastoral letter: You will be My Witnesses, a post-Synodal letter to help guide the parishes and faithful of the archdiocese in the coming years. Each parish was asked to form a Synod Evangelization Team (SET). Here at St. Peter’s the SET is comprised of 12 parishioners/staff members who have committed to work with Fr. Steven on implementation of synodal recommendations. The SET members will be commissioned in May of 2023. The pastoral letter is available to all the faithful at https://www.archspm.org/synodletter/
If you need to speak with someone regarding St. Peter’s SET, please reach out to Elizabeth McCanna at (651) 905-4312 or emccanna@stpetersmendota.org
The Church of St. Peter Parish Pastoral Council is a ministry that supports Fr. Steven and the mission of our faith community. Councilors serve a 3-year term which is renewable for an additional 3-year term. A councilor can serve a maximum of 6 years. Meetings are held during the following months of the fiscal year (beginning on July 1st): September, November, January, February, March, May & June on the second Thursday from 6:15 to 8 p.m. Please feel free to contact any of the councilors at pastoralcouncil@stpetersmendota.org
or call Jennifer Nelson Kellar, Executive Assistant to the Pastor at 651-905-4305.
Parish Pastoral Councilors
Ann Hoey: Chair
Anne Igo: Vice Chair
Amylia Bult: Secretary
Andrew Elm
Sue Lovegreen
Trish Reimann
Greg Montana
Mary Burns
Matt Reimann
Mike Maslow
Margaret Wolters
Parish Pastoral Council Minutes
Click to read
PPC Annual Report FY 2023-2024
Click to read
Church of St. Peter Mission Statement:
St. Peter’s is here to bring the good news of the Gospel to all, so that every person can have a personal, life changing, life giving relationship with Jesus Christ.