(651) 452-4550
If you're calling after hours follow the prompts to be connected with a member of our pastoral care team.
St. Peter's is committed to providing a safe environment for all.
For more information regarding safe environment contact Elizabeth McCanna,
our safe environment coordinator at (651) 905-4312 or via email
All volunteers who interact with minors are required to complete and maintain safe environment credentials through the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. The essential 3 include:
1. VIRTUS training session
2. Background Check.
3. Online Code of Conduct
To ensure successful completion of the requirements, follow the information below before creating your VIRTUS account. If you have an existing VIRTUS account, contact Elizabeth McCanna at emccanna@stpetersmendota.org for assistance so your account can be updated prior to login.
Total Time Commitment: Approximately 95 minutes
1. Set aside sufficient time to complete all items without logging out. Incomplete accounts may result in lost data, requiring you to repeat your setup.
2. Read and follow the directions on the website in the order presented.
Complete each registration field as presented on the screen
Complete the Code of Conduct
Complete the Background Check application (SSN is required)
Complete Safe Environment Training (1 module, approximately 75 minutes)
VIRTUS website: www.virtusonline.org
Use Google Chrome browser and allow pop-ups for this website.
Please contact Elizabeth McCanna (emccanna@stpetersmendota.org) if you have any questions or problems with completing this.